Installing the Atomical CLI ( work in progress )
Stumbled upon Installing the Atomical CLI on Medium in search of setting up the GitHub — atomicals/atomicals-js: Atomicals Javascript Command Line Utility (CLI) application. Goal here is to expand upon the sequence of instructions to set up this up on your environment.
How to set up WSL: a. Enable WSL feature in Windows:
Open PowerShell as Administrator and run: wsl — install
Restart Windows
- Set up the Folder to hold all resources. i.e. C:\ARC20
Download the stand-alone installation of GIT into the ARC20 folder
cd .\Git
Download the GitHub atomicals-js from GitHub — atomicals/atomicals-js: Atomicals Javascript Command Line Utility (CLI) application. The gets installed as a sub-directory in the Git Folder
Move the atomicals-js folder back to C:\ARC20 folder
cd \atomicals-js folder
Run “npm install -g node"
Run “npm install -g yarn”
Run “yarn install”
Run “yarn run build”