InFAUN — Developer Community 🐾byMostafa WaelDon’t be afraid of Vim, learn those commands and you are ready to go!A lot of people are afraid of Vim and a lot of them have seen the nightmare of entering Vim and not being able to exit it. In this…May 5, 20221May 5, 20221
InBetter ProgrammingbyOmar SharakiThe 10 Browser Extensions I Can’t Live WithoutUseful add-ons to improve your browser experienceOct 28, 20208Oct 28, 20208
alpha2phiNeovim 101 — Literate ProgrammingLiterate programming using Neovim and Tree-sitter.Oct 2, 20222Oct 2, 20222
alpha2phiNeovim and VS Code— AI-Assisted Code CompletionLet’s try out AI-assisted code completion plugins for Neovim and VS Code.Nov 7, 20212Nov 7, 20212
Alberto de MurgaHow to have a Neovim configuration compatible with VimSo you can have your cake and eat it too.Dec 1, 20211Dec 1, 20211
alpha2phiNeovim — Semantic HighlightingSemantic highlighting using Tree-sitter and LSP semantic tokens.Sep 21, 20221Sep 21, 20221
alpha2phiLearn Neovim The Practical WayAll articles on how to configure and program Neovim.Oct 25, 20216Oct 25, 20216
alpha2phiNeovim for Beginners — Managing ProjectsManage multiple projects using Neovim.May 1, 2022May 1, 2022
Caleb TaylorA guide to modern Web Development with (Neo)vimThe power of modal editing meets the future of web developmentApr 18, 201913Apr 18, 201913
Fang JinMove around like a Vi personI thought I would never write about Vi, because it’s just an editor. However as I start to use it more and more professionally, for…Aug 18, 2022Aug 18, 2022
Mateusz BednarskiCreating a programing language and compiler with Python and LLVMA journey to create a programming language and compiler for it. Powered by Python, lark, and LLVM.Apr 16, 20222Apr 16, 20222
InLevel Up CodingbySimon Egersand 🎈Vim — Why You Should Use It!Vim is a powerful text editor. It’s popular amongst coders and writers, and in this blog post, I will convince you to use it.May 14, 20221May 14, 20221
InUnixificationbyMichael BaoI Switched From Neovim to Emacs, Here’s WhyGithub repo with my dotfiles.Aug 7, 20222Aug 7, 20222
Kevin LutzVim: 2x Your ProductivityVim has a steep learning curve but it is well worth the investment of time.May 18, 20224May 18, 20224
Kayden Arias Sharky Althen10 Tips and Tricks to Decrease Keystrokes and Become a Better DeveloperLearn Your Tools, Improve Your Workflow, Be FasterAug 8, 2017Aug 8, 2017
Suraj PillaiFzf: A tool that will transform your CLI lifeI’m a CLI junkie, addicted to Vim motions, and never miss an opportunity to bring those two in to any part of my workflow. Naturally, I…Aug 2, 20223Aug 2, 20223
JP BranskiComputer Shortcuts to Make You Feel Like a GeniusShortcuts and enhancements to make your digital life even easierJul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Ngoc Nguyen Duy MinhWhy You Should Dump VSCode, Move To NeoVim, And Why You Shouldn’tI recently went down to the Vim rabbit hole to find out how my fellow developer friends can’t get out of it.Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022