InWe’ve moved to PutrevuHugo + Firebase: How to create your own static website for free in minutesEver thought of having your own website for putting up your project portfolio or resume or a blog for yourself. By the end of this article…Jan 12, 201816Jan 12, 201816
InDataDrivenInvestorbyMani PathakFigma to WordPress — Easily Design Stunning WordPress SitesYou don’t need to code to transform your Figma design into a WordPress site.Sep 18, 20231Sep 18, 20231
InMaking MomentumbyWill ErickssonConverting Legacy Microsoft applications to web appsMany small to medium business/enterprise (SMB/SME) have a legacy Microsoft App problem. In this article, we explore as a…Jul 1, 20221Jul 1, 20221
InPython in Plain EnglishbyAlexandru-Ioan PlesoiuFeature Toggles is THE BEST technique that DRASTICALLY improves your ProductFeature Toggles is a mechanism that allows you to control the logic of your application remotely, at runtime, without redeploying the code …Sep 26, 2023Sep 26, 2023
InBetter ProgrammingbyOscar OlssonMy First Impressions of Elm — a Beautiful Language for Web DevelopmentElm is what you get if you mix Haskell, TypeScript, Python, and RustNov 12, 20229Nov 12, 20229
TechGigTop 6 Python frameworks to learn in 2022Techies with a deep knowledge of Python frameworks and libraries are the most preferred candidates by recruiters. We have compiled a list…Feb 2, 20221Feb 2, 20221
John AdemolaHow to Clone a Website with Httrack on Windows PCI know you might have searched the internet on how to clone a website with your windows pc but you have not found a good article on that…Jun 15, 20201Jun 15, 20201
Winnie LiangHow to Run a Simple HTML/CSS/Javascript Application on HerokuHeroku allows web-hosting, but what do you know? They do not host static websites with HTML, CSS, and JS.Dec 3, 201645Dec 3, 201645
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Jasmine ElkinsBuilding Responsive Web Pages Using CSS GridFollowing up on my first blog post about the basics of using CSS Flexbox, I’d like to continue with an introduction to CSS Grid. By using a…Apr 27, 2022Apr 27, 2022
InGeek CulturebyMahbub ZamanHow To Create a User Interface Using CSS GridBuild user interfaces easilyMay 30, 2022May 30, 2022
InGeek CulturebyNehal KhanA Super Simple Guide to Markdown for Web DevelopersEverything you need to know about markdown files as a web developerJul 23, 2022Jul 23, 2022
InDataDrivenInvestorbyWellyingtonHello World With Jekyll! (How to Get Started with jekyll)I was hungry to get into something new when Jekyll came up in my Twitter timeline. The idea of blogging using markdowns and static site…Jul 4, 2021Jul 4, 2021
Chairat Onyaem (Par)How to Create Markdown-based Website with JekyllWant to host a static website but don’t want to feel complicated with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? If you want to build a website base on…Apr 30, 20171Apr 30, 20171