What is the step by step procedure to move a SQL Server .ndf file to another location ?

Ouroboros DeFi "ODIE"
2 min readJun 16, 2023


Here are the step-by-step procedures to move a SQL Server .ndf file to another location:

1. Connect to the SQL Server instance: Log in to the SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio or any other SQL client.

2. Detach the database: Right-click on the database that contains the .ndf file you want to move and select “Detach”. This will release any locks on the database and detach it from the SQL Server instance.

3. Move the .ndf file: Move the .ndf file to the new location using Windows Explorer or any other file management tool. Be sure to note the new location of the .ndf file.

4. Attach the database: Right-click on the “Databases” folder in SQL Server Management Studio and select “Attach”. Click on the “Add” button and browse to the .mdf file that corresponds to the database you detached earlier. Select the .mdf file and click on the “OK” button.

5. Add the .ndf file: Click on the “Add” button again and browse to the new location of the .ndf file. Select the .ndf file and click on the “OK” button.

6. Adjust database properties: In the “Database details” section, adjust the properties of the database as needed, such as the database name or file locations.

7. Click on the “OK” button: Once you have finished adjusting the database properties, click on the “OK” button to attach the database and make the .ndf file available for use.

That’s it! Your .ndf file has been moved to the new location and is now attached to the SQL Server instance.

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